Tony Rofail, a director of Windtech Consultants, presented a talk on the issue of development controls for wind environment impacts at the 10th International Urban Design Conference held last week at the Surfers Paradise Marriott, Gold Coast, Australia.
Tony’s key message was the need to adopt appropriate and well defined wind speed criteria based on the type of outdoor activity. A proposal was presented with regards to the trigger for a wind tunnel study – that would be a function of both exposure and building height. A proposal was also put forward for the study area, as a function of the relationship between the height, width and depth of the building envelope.
Tony’s presentation highlighted the importance of allowing flexibility in the building massing but at the same time encouraging positive features for wind comfort and gave examples of the two extremes where no controls have been in place with regards to wind as well as the effect of too much control over building massing and setbacks.
Windtech Consultants have an unrivaled understanding of the level of comfort expected from both the occupants and the general public with regards to wind impacts and the most effective and efficient methods of mitigation.
Windtech have wide experience for both new developments and remedial studies. If you would like to discuss a current project please send your query to
You may download Tony’s presentation from the following link: 10th International Urban Design Conference.
Windtech Consultants has recently overcome a number of design constraints in order to design a liquid damper tank that maximises occupant comfort during high wind events across a broad range of frequencies with less sensitivity to tuning. The bespoke damper design was commissioned for The Independent development which will be one of the tallest all concrete residential towers in Austin, Texas when completed in 2018.
Tight dimensional constraints and the request to utilise a single tank led to Windtech Consultants having to look closely at the basic physics of how damping is generated to explore innovative ideas for a new type of liquid damper. The result was a semi-tuned liquid damper that, when tuned, can provide up to 2% additional damping to the structure but can also provide 0.9% damping at a tuning ratio of 0.8. This is a robust and low-maintenance design performs effectively over a broad range of frequencies.
A unique feature of this damper design is that it can work with the basic overall dimensions of a fire hydrant tank located at the top of the building. This innovative design enables the liquid damper to work in a similar way to a dashpot, using an intermediate platform that engages the lower compartment. The damper performance can be optimised by adjusting the height of the platform within the tank.
Session 6H:
“Ground Plane Environmental Considerations”
31 Oct 2017
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Associate Director, Windtech Consultants
“Prediction and Mitigation of the Solar Reflectivity Impacts of Tall Buildings”
Register for the Conference Now!
See this presentation and more: Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane · 30 Oct–3 Nov 2017
Windtech are proud to be have provided the wind engineering and other services for all categories that involve tall buildings:
Windtech undertook a range of wind engineering studies for the development at 5 Martin Place. During the planning approval phase a study of pedestrian comfort was completed which included the wind conditions of the elevated terrace of the 10th floor as well as a study of the solar light reflectivity impact of the new façade of this development. This was followed by wind tunnel studies of the wind loads on the structure and cladding. This structure is particularly sensitive to the wind loads due to the fact that a significant portion of the base of the tower cantilevers over the existing heritage podium building. A wind entry study was also undertaken for the main lobby entries as well as an assessment of wind-noise and design wind loads acting on the artwork attached to the external facade.
The Era Apartments development located at 7 Railway St, Chatswood, is the final stage of the Pacific Place development by Mirvac. Windtech provided the wind engineering services for all the towers within this development precinct.
Windtech undertook a comprehensive pedestrian wind environment study for all the outdoor areas associated with the entire Pacific Place precinct as well as all outdoor areas within and around the Era Apartments development, including the various balconies. Windtech worked closely with the design team at Mirvac to ensure that all wind mitigation measures also contribute to an improved aesthetic for the affected outdoor areas and public spaces. Mitigation measures for the north-western balconies also improved thermal comfort performance off the adjacent apartments. Windtech also modelled and advised regarding the natural ventilation performance for all the apartments as well as the design wind loads on the structure and facade. The potential for wind entry at the main entrance as well as wind noise and lift pressurisation within this apartment tower was also modelled and appropriate mitigation measures were incorporated into the design. Windtech also assessed and advised on solar access to the apartments, shadows as well as solar light reflectivity impacts.
Pacific Bondi Beach is located directly opposite Bondi Beach and is exposed to both the prevailing southerly and north-easterly winds. This development is a conversion of the Swiss Grand Hotel Suites into residential apartments and incorporates an additional above the original building envelope. Windtech advised regarding wind entry as well as the design wind pressures for the extension.
As of March 2017, all new apartments developed in Victoria must meet the newly introduced Better Apartments Design Standards. These policy guidelines will influence the design of apartment development in Melbourne for years to come.
A key objective of the new standards is energy efficiency for all dwellings. New developments must reduce fossil fuel energy use and make appropriate use of daylight and solar energy to ensure that they achieve adequate thermal efficiency.
To ensure energy efficiency, developments must not exceed the specified maximum NatHERS annual cooling load. NatHERS is the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme which ensures dwellings are comfortable for its residents while also helping save on energy bills through smarter design choices. Windtech can ensure that each dwelling within the development satisfies the specified maximum NatHERS annual cooling load.
Windtech Consultants has extensive experience in undertaking energy efficiency studies through the use of industry standard NatHERS software (BERS Pro). Windtech has researched the comparative costs of different paths for compliance and is therefore well equipped to assist both developers and designers to determine the most cost effective solutions to satisfy the energy efficiency component of the Better Apartments Design Standards.
BASIX Certificates in New South Wales
Windtech has many years’ of experience determining the energy efficiency of residential buildings and has assisted numerous developers and designers to achieve compliance with BASIX assessment standards in New South Wales.
The Building Sustainability Index (Basix) aims to deliver equitable and effective water and greenhouse gas reduction through efficient design of the development. Thermal modelling of the residential components of the development are made to determine the amount of energy that each dwelling requires to maintain thermal comfort throughout the year. If it is established that a dwelling does not meet the thermal performance criteria, various forms of treatments will be added to the thermal model in consultation with the client and/or architect. Windtech staff are highly skilled in understanding the comparative costs of alternative paths to achieve compliance and does not charge extra for this additional modelling.
BASIX also helps reduce water and energy consumption therefore providing substantial long term financial savings and sustainability. BASIX certification is mandatory for all residential developments in NSW.
Whether you are in need of meeting the Better Apartments Design Standards in Victoria, or a BASIX assessment in New South Wales, Windtech can provide a prompt, experienced and cost effective service today.