Wind Tunnel Testing Asia’s Tallest Temple Ahmedabad, India

Wind Tunnel Testing India

Asia’s Tallest Temple Ahmedabad, India

Image of Vishv Umiadham Temple (Image courtesy of the Vishv Umiya Foundation)

Windtech Consultants were recently appointed to carry out the following wind tunnel studies of Asia’s tallest temple located in Ahmedabad, India. Our extensive experience in wind engineering played a crucial role in ensuring the stability and safety of the temple, both during and post-construction.

The first step in the process was to carry out a Structural Loads and Building Motion Study. This study involved analyzing the impact of wind and other external forces on the structure of the temple. Our wind engineers used advanced wind tunnel testing techniques to determine the expected loads on the building and its components.

We then conducted a Façade Cladding Pressure study. This study was designed to determine the design pressures for the design of the temple’s exterior cladding system, including the walls and roof. The results of this study helped the architects and engineers to make informed decisions regarding the design and materials used for the cladding system.

The final step was a Wind Environment Study. This study involved gathering data on the local wind environment to ensure a favourable wind environment around the site.

With the data gathered from these studies, our team was able to provide valuable insights and recommendations to the architects and engineers. They helped to identify any potential issues and made suggestions for mitigating them. This collaboration between Windtech and the design team was critical to ensuring the safety and stability of the temple during its construction.

The final result of this collaboration is a towering temple in India that is both beautiful and safe. Asia’s Tallest Temple Ahmedabad, India’s design and construction have been optimized to withstand the wind and other external forces, making it one of the safest structures of its kind in India and its region.

Need help with an upcoming project? Don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated Global Wind Engineering team, who will gladly assist. With offices in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia, London, UK, and Mumbai, India. New York & Miami, USA, Dubai, Hong Kong & Singapore, we guarantee to support you wherever you are based.